Thursday, January 23, 2014

So here's the thing... everyone seems to have their own personal grasp of what the truth is.  I mean the truth about ANYTHING, whatever it may be. And if all of these differing truths don't seem to be reconciled in the end, is there really only ONE truth? Or is there a truth for every topic and every personality on the planet, and ALL of those truths are collectively and separately THE TRUTH?

I guess that's where Man's search for answers about truth causes that great divide...RELIGION! Which is, in itself, ironic since the word religion literally means to re-connect. So what is it that Man is trying to re-connect with?....

I'm not here to post answers...I'm searching for some myself.  But in my search I think I have begun to find at least a little bit of what is my own truth.  And I suppose that's what the search is really all about.

I have been a "student" of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, goes on.  What I learned from these is that all of them are a path to the same destination.  To be able to view these paths as having a common goal has enabled me to also search within those paths that many have labeled as "taboo", "forbidden", or even "evil". Occultism is, in itself, a search for truth which has been concealed or hidden...and why would it be hidden?  My own investigating tells me that it is only hidden because we, humans, are often incapable of seeing the forest for the trees, as the old adage goes.

So what does that mean for us? I don't know, but I think it's time we start talking about it collectively if we want to find answers.  We live in a time when there are more human beings alive and breathing the same air than at any point in the planet's history...and the population growth rate seems to be increasing. Will we be able to collectively learn how to live together, or will we continue to "kill anyone who doesn't adhere to the same truth as me?"